Faith Based Reality

Reality is Faith Based

Everything is done in Faith , Natural Faith as in Goals in life, Vision, plans.
supernatural Faith , miracles of God, Healing, etc.
Fear is the same as Faith accept Fear is what you don’t want to happen and Faith is what you want to happen.
It works on the same principle of manifesting reality.
As a man thinks so is he,
the Eye is the lamp of the body.

Having faith is to be single purpose not double minded.
Thats why digital technology is either a one or a zero, Yes or No, On or off.

Jesus says let your yes be yes and your no be no, for whatever is more that this is from the evil one, This is the bases of
digital technology, Thats why reality is a digital base format, and we invented computers that imitate reality.


The Placebo Effect

see the link below

Placebo Effect

AI is a merge of technology and counciouness